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Ongoing Assessment


My instruction is responsive to student learning. 


Observable practice that this factor represents…


  1. Ability to design an effective assessment plan; to have an effective ongoing assessment cycle.

  2. Ability to use assessments in a timely manner such that sufficient tier I interventions and extensions can occur; assessments and checks for understanding are purposed to improve my students’ learning by informing the ongoing instructional process.

  3. Ability for my students to track their progress and practice effective study habits, test-preparation and test-taking skills. 



Target Six - Skills and Resources


  1. Ability to design an effective assessment plan; to have an effective ongoing assessment cycle.

  2. Ability to use assessments in a timely manner such that sufficient tier I interventions and extensions can occur; assessments and checks for understanding are purposed to improve my students’ learning by informing the ongoing instructional process.

  3. Ability for my students to track their progress and practice effective study habits, test-preparation and test-taking skills. 



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